Section 1557, known by some as the “Health Care Rights Law,” is the main nondiscrimination provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It prohibits discrimination in health care based on factors like race, ethnicity, language, age, disability, and sex – including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender expression. And it is particularly important for people who live at the intersection of multiple identities!
Right now, the Biden Administration is considering changes that would strengthen Section 1557 protections and help improve care for millions of people across the country. Your story can help turn these proposals into reality so you and your loved ones can access the health care you need free from discrimination or prejudice. Share your story and help the Biden Administration strengthen nondiscrimination protections. Your comment will be sent directly to and the National Health Law Program will retain a copy.
Who Should Comment?
People who have experienced discrimination in health care
LGBTQ+ folks, trans people, queer folk, and intersex people
Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
People with disabilities
Older adults and caregivers
Pregnant people, people who have had a miscarriages or abortions
Non-English speaking people
People at the intersection of multiple identities
How to Comment
Use the form to submit a comment and tell the government why you support the new rule. Feel free to tell a little about yourself and share why health care free from discrimination and prejudice is important to you.